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Mama G & Baby K

I knew as soon as I got pregnant that when my baby would come into this world, I would breast feed. It felt like it would be the most natural, and economical thing to do; however, when my little man came into this world, it felt anything but natural to me. I always assumed that breastfeeding would be easy, and so I never took any classes to prepare myself for what was to come. Right off the bat, my son didn’t latch well. The latches were almost always shallow and it didn’t matter how many pillows I used or what positions I tried, I just couldn’t get it right. It only made me feel more incompetent when my mother would look at me confused, saying it was never this hard for her. When I reached out to Leanne I had hit rock bottom. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong, and even though my little man was healthy and growing from the milk I was giving him, my confidence and esteem was plunging.  Leanne was so helpful, she provided constant support and encouragement at times when I just wanted to give up. She even let me come over to her home to help me one day when I was at a loss and gave me a number of options on how I could help little man latch better. When I had plugged ducts and everything hurt so bad, she made time to come and help me. If it wasn’t for Leanne’s support I wouldn’t have breastfed for as long as I have, and now, he’s a year and still breast feeding :) thank you for everything that you’ve done for my son and me Leanne, we are forever grateful!

Mama G & Baby K